

A Spam-Fighter More Noxious Than Spam (reg req)

Hah, I'm not the only one to have noticed this... Some SPAM blockers are fixes that fail. Worse, as this article points out, they threaten the value of email.


Microsoft creates new anti-spam task force

I sense a big, bright line being drawn for the issue of SPAM. In this discussion there are some assumptions being made about the definition of SPAM. For example, all unsolicited email is considered SPAM. Well, what does it mean to be unsolicited?

If I send an email to my dad without first notifing him, am I SPAM-ing him. I wouldn't think so, but technically that's an unsolicited email.

Is SPAM just annoying email? Is it unpersonalized, mass mailed email? Is it annoying email of a commerical nature? Is an email from a company to its customer base a commerical email, even if they're not soliciting sales? Is that SPAM?

Jon Udell believes that getting SPAM control wrong is antithetical to the end-to-end nature of the web. His point is that some of the most fruitfull interactions are ad-hoc or chance meetings. Some anti-SPAM methods eliminate the possibility of these type of interactions.


PDAs Find A Place In The Enterprise

The Microsoft and hardware vendors are pushing PDAs in the enterprise. I'm not sure how close the enterprise market is to adopting this technology as a IT sanctioned tool.

In any case, there's no doubt that this effort will increase the demand for enterprise mobile computing. Besides compounding the issues related to mobile enterprise users discussed in an earlier post, PDA's represent another challenge... Presentation on those ity-bity screens!
Line56.com: Onyx Pushes Mobile CRM

The sales force needs their application to be mobile. It seems like there would be two options for implementation. The first would be always on connectivity, via wireless and other technologies. The second is having offline features a la outlook (i.e. data caching).

For the short term, the connectivity option is still going to be problamatic. You have to assume that while the network is always on, that doesn't mean its always fast. For some applications, this may be a problem because they require so much bandwidth.

The second option is problamatic because the software vendor has to anticapate all the unconnected or mostly connected or somewhat connected environments the end user will be in. The trade off would come in creating fat clients that handle queueing of requests to and from the server. Microsoft had it easy with outlook... Email requires one client/server transaction, namely retrieve/send mail. For CRM applications this is more complex because of the time sensitive nature of the data captured in those systems and the more frequent interactions between client and server.

For analytics software, this offline problem is huge.
The power of these applications are their ability for ad-hoc queries.
To be useful offline, these applications would have to choose the most likely queries that will be run while away from the network, run them before the user goes offline and then cache the results in the client.

Is there a general solution to application layer caching?

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